The date is holy.

So, this day is officialy the best day in history. Not only because it is my birthday, which is ofcourse very important. I mean, it plays a big part in being the best day. Even without the other event it would be one of the best days. But well that is ofcourse understandable.

I was checking my mail, which I do every 5 minutes because I like getting happy birthday mails. Makes me feel popular for once, it's awesome. And there it was, the mail we've been waiting for for weeks now. We finally got a room!!!!
I think I was bouncing on my chair for about 5 minutes before I could think about doing something sane. I was already thinking we really had to sleep under a bridge, I found a nice box and all! But we got to sleep in a bed! How awesome is that!

So I kind of still have to accept the offer, but I am still too happy to do anything sane. We have to pay 200GBP (I am still confused with dollars so I'll just use the abbreviation I saw on the website) in advance, with a creditcard ofcourse which I don't have. I don't like credit cards, why do you always need creditcards?
Anyways! But we got a room in the college we liked the most! The english nurse students will be mostly there too so that's cool. We're really close to the sport & fitness centre which I will definitely be visiting a lot (ahem well no not really). Oh but the busstop is pretty far, why did they do that? It's like you have the fitness centre near you so that will mean you will be very healthy so then you can walk to your busstop. Duuuude I dont work out :( I'll rent a bike orso, which will probably get stolen first week.
Oh we just figured out we probably have 2 different buildings, so we'll be all alone in some english building with scary english people.

But the most important part is

I accepted, I officialy haz a roooooooooom :D I like rooms, they are like warm and dry. I am searching for some pictures but as soon as I find some I will post them here!
Ok I am not entirely sure but this seems to be the room in my block:

Aaaaand the kitchen




Keep an eye on the cardbord boxes you HAVE to pay with creditcard! Guess you will become a fulltime professional bouncer now! You have to tell people in England!

Have fun over there!


Het klinkt echt goed! : D

Lijkt een geweldige plek, om te koken tot een Mexicaans eten... ^^



I hope you've had a safe trip. and enjoy the new room. The kitchen looks brill you can cook up some nice foods there. if you want I can send you over some more recipes (english & student grub, cheap and easy)


Holy C$@p that room looks cool... Living with mom & dad doesn't do it anymore in 2k11. Well best of luck abroad and i'll be missing you untill you get back here! You know we are forced to get kroketten/frikandellen and other dutch foods right? :D

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