First 2 days!


So yesterday we totally arrived in York! I am writing in my room now this is so awesome! But ok first things first.

I started packing like a week ago but it wasn't really useful since I needed like half of the stuff that was in my bag. And I was going to Italy first so I needed the small bag. So well yeah not very smart.
So Tuesday evening I started packing and I got a bit enthusiastic. At some point I had about 25 kilo in my bag, and I was only allowed to have 20. I felt a bit girly. So I had to make some really difficult life on dead choices on which to take and which to leave behind! It was so so sad. In the end a book, some shampoo and some clothes didn't survive the battle and had to stay behind. I told them to look after the castle so they would feel a bit useful anyways.
So up next was my little cute handbag, with a maximum of 10 kilo's. I had 10.1 so I decided that it would be good enough or else I would use the puppy eyes. I do need to look for a guy check in thingy then since woman are a bit less vulnerable to my puppy eyes. But I mean what is 0.1kg?
That night I didn't really sleep, the only thing I could thinkabout was packing. When I finally slept I dreamed about York being in Italy and me being a wizard who couldn't remember the spells. But I mean they were Latin, how on earth am I supposed to remember Latin words? Stupid wizardteachers.
Ok anyways after a really sweet last breakfast with mom (she got us some croissants and stuff, thankyou!) we went to the airport. I had the great idea to park on the second parkingplacethingy cause the first one usually is very busy. Turned out the second one was really busy so we had to walk quite a bit with my suitcases and the first one was well, empty. Another confirmation that listening to me isn't always the smartest thing to do. Especially when in a car. Usually it is tho so better listen to me anyways.
But I got so lucky on the airport! My bag was slightly too heavy, about 0.8 kilo I think. But I didn't have to pay anything. However Brigit had to pay, apparently they don't like it when your bag is 2.1kg too heavy. So weird. But the part with the security was the greatest part of the day. You know you have to walk through the controls with their x-raying thingies, checking if you don't have any illegal drugs? Well I think they saw the insides of Brigits bagabout 3 times before they decided it was okay. However, apparently I looked very terroristy so they took my hard disk and asked me to walk with them to some little room. The woman told me she had to check my hard disk for dynamite. Cause I mean I absolutely look like the type to have dynamite in my hard disk...... Dude! In the end it turned out I didn't have any dynamite with me so me and my little innocent hard disk were free to go.
Oh and it was quite awesome, we left around 2.30 and arrived around 3. Got to love the time difference, but I got a huuuuge jetlag of course.

So ok we arrived in Leeds! Hooraayy! Next problem was finding a bus or taxi. Turned out better not to look for taxis, to go from Leeds to York campus was about 65pounds (I can't find the pound symbol)(do you write pounds like this?)(why dont they just have euros?). So we took a bus, then a train and then another bus. Took us about 5 hours including the plane. I have to say I was kind of exhausted when we finally arrived in our rooms. But the room is great. I have my own washingbinthingy and a view on the little lake with all the pretty lights! I took some pictures of my room so I won't have to explain how it looks like. Check the link in the bottom of this blog to see them =D (the pretty light I still have to photograph tho)
So well nothing excited happened then since I was kind of in zombie mode. I unpacked my stuff, ensured everyone I was alive and went to bed. But dude they wouldn't even let me sleep! Some people in my building decided this was a nice night to slam some doors and talk a lot. So today I bought earplugs. =D I left them at Brigits tho. =(

There is a real goose/geese/whateverwar going on outside atm. All the goose/geese/....(fill in the word)are like making sounds, I think they are battling for territory. Crap and I have to go outside in like 5 minutes. I will totally get killed cause I got on their territory. Ah they finished hooray then I can go outside!

So okay the rest of my day wasn't very exciting except for the meeting with our uni-mentors. We now know we will work on the surgery ward. Me in ward 14 and Brigit in ward 11. The first 2 weeks we have to work the same shifts as our mentor to get to know the ward and all the rules a bit. After those 2 weeks we can make our own schedule, but within reason of course. It's not like we can be like oh well the rest of the weeksI'll just work in the morning, there done. We have to work some different shifts so we know what all theshifts are like. We have 4 different shifts:
Long day: 7.00-19.30
Early: 7.00-15.00
Late: 13.30-21.30
Night: 19.00-07.30
I am not sure if we have to work the night but it would be a cool experience. I am starting to feel real excited about the internship!

Monday we will follow 2 classes in the university, I feel so smart! And Tuesday we have this health assessment thing in the hospital, don't ask me what exactly it is. I hope they won't get too touchy. And after that we will probably go to the wards to get to know it a bit. And we probably hear when we have to start working.
We also went to York to do some shopping. We didn't have any food in our room except some cookies (again thanks mom, now I didn't starve to death) so we were kind of hungry. York is really pretty, I will make some pictures soon but today I was still exhausted so I didn't have the energy to take out my camera, turn it on, make a picture, put it back. I mean doing stuff like that really is exhausting as hell! So sorry, but you have to wait a bit more to see pictures of York. We will go back tomorrow so I'll probably make some pictures then!

Okay I wrote too much, I got a bit excited. I'll stop for now!
Leave a message! =) For the non dutchies, click ‘reageer'.

Babaaaaai! <3

Oh and my photos:




i expect the goose didn't attack you xD


No but I have to admit I was kind of running so they didnt even had the chance xD




(Y) toffe shit


Jeej leuk verhaal! :)

I've got a few answers to your questions; 1. yes and 2. because the British are awesomely quirky. :)


You were running from...geese??? Darn awesome! :D

But you certainly look like a terrorist on some occasions, no wonder they picked you for a 'deep' examination *cough*. Now have fun with your classes, and blogging, although I feel the need to comment at least once on every blog :D

Bye love! :P (Stupid british street-language you know)


hoi Krek :>


Mind the geese!! (nah they probably won't hurt you if you don't threaten them) they're probably used to people walking past all the time. so just press "ignore" everytime you pass them ;)
happy to see you like it there. I'm really curious about your first day on the job.
(btw bourbons are really nice buiscuits ;) )


Hmm nu wil ik ook, lijkt me zeker wel een leuke ervaring. Woont brigit ver van je vandaan?


Nee is 2 minuutjes lopen ofzo dus het valt reuze mee :)


You should offer the geese a peace offering, say a random briton?

I'm sure you will be the bestest friends ever after that :d


on my site!

Robert kok

Hey Hey, veilig aangekomen dus, gelukkig maar.

Ik wilde je even heel veel plezier en succes wensen en zal af en toe een reactie plaatsen en je verhalen blijven lezen.

En niet te veel feesten he :P.


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