

People were reminding me it was about time to update my blog again. So here it is!! Hooraay!

I have to say my brains aren't working on full capacity at the moment. My university brain is kind of on standby at the moment so I have to do with my normal brain. Actually I think they are on strike. They want better sleeping conditions. And I think the rest of my body agrees to that.
Living on your own has its advantages. It's really awesome to have your own room, something you even pay for yourself. I mean I love living with mom but it's also really cool if you can call something your own. And it's also cool to live on a campus in some foreign country, although sometimes it stills scares the crap out of me. You get to meet new people (although I am still too shy to actually talk to them longer than 10 minutes. At some point the awkward silence kicks in and then I choose the easy way, make up some excuse so you can go to your room again) and you see new places. (And of course no one that tells you that you have to clean up your room.)
But there are also some downsides. As you probably already have seen, the kitchen is utterly disgusting and at some days the shower isn't much better. The toilet doesn't really flush half of the time and the other half the light decided to go on disco mode. Luckily we have cleaning ladies in the morning. So when I don't have to work or have a late shift I usually go stand ready behind the door with my towel and soap and race to the shower the minute the cleaning lady is done. Then the shower is sooo gooooood!
But anyways the thing I dislike the most is the noise. These buildings are so noisy I can hear every little thing that is happening here. Usually I don't really mind, if it's annoying you just turn on some music. But if you want to go to sleep cause you are working an early shift and thus have to wake up at 5.30 the noises can be really annoying. All the doors here have some safety thingy so they automatically shut. Really handy, but the problem is they aren't very discrete. It's like some really mad 8 year old is constantly slamming doors. And if people aren't busy with walking from room to room it's the music that keeps you awake or the talking or the whatever it is they are doing there. Sometimes I don't even want to know what is it they are doing. Although by the sounds of it you can kind of guess it's not drinking tea. Anyways and if the people finally decide to behave and acknowledge the 11-hour no more music rule it's the goose/geese that keep you awake. I don't know exactly what it is they are doing, it's either a massive war or some kind of mating ritual. I don't like geese. Luckily dear mom send me some earplugthingies, bless her. Hopefully they will get here soon so I can sleep in peace.

But ok enough about that, my point is just that I am kind of a little bit tired.
The other reason for that is internship. All the new impressions and constantly translating everything really takes its toll on you. But well 3 more days of early shifts and then I can sleep again, hooorraaay!
Now the good part of internship, it's really great! The people are just so welcoming and open and funny. (I think I already said that in my last blog but still, it really is true!) So far I have seen a lot of things, like an ultrasound and a ct-scan. And today I could look while a doctor removed a catheter (the patient didn't look very happy) and then had to put a new one in (and again he didn't really look happy). It was really interesting to see but knowing that I have to do that someday myself, scared the living crap out of me. I could almost feel that dudes pain, I mean I practically flinched when the doctor pulled the thing out. Thinking that I have to be the one inflicting it makes me really nervous. Although in the end it's for the best, but still. I will just start with injecting people, that is scary enough.
Today I made a start with one of my school assignments so that's good. I have to complete 6 assignments this year, I really hope I can make it. Why did they even come up with assignments anyways? It would be way cooler if we could just like hang around a ward the bit all day. Do some cool stuff like injecting and catheterizing without having to worry to collect evidence that you actually did those things. Whoever made this new competencelearningstuff really had nothing better to do huh? Silly old men.
Anyways I don't really have anything cool to say anymore. Oh well it did snow on Saturday!! Luckily it didn't stick to the ground or I would have gone mental. I can't see any more snow for the next couple of like 10 months. I mean it looks really pretty and all, but why does it have to be so cold and wet?
I prefer warm and dry.
Let's see, anything else? No that was it. I think. I am not sure. Bigfat chance I will read the story tomorrow again and add another 1,5 page. If I do, sorry for that.

Okaaay see you next tiiimmmee!
Muchos Lovos




Your journal always makes my day :) funny chickie :P


less writing please, another nap :|

btw what noises are those that aren't drinking tea? :p

have fun ^_^


Ishma stop complaining or gtfo xD

And well, there are some couples in this building, doesn't that say enough?

Thankyou suuuuusss


Kinda reminds me of where I live, strange disgusting noises in the night, and we don't even have cows anywhere near our house :P You know who i'm talking about :D

Anyway big news about Hof van Achterlo! The buyers went for a visit last thursday and on the 8th of march Talis will visit too. Then i'll know when and how our visit is going to be like! I've seen some photo's too. There is no more scaffolding around the entire builing! And it looks fantastic with the glass columns and nice colors! Way better than when you last saw it!

Little problem though, A old schoolmate told me he can move in like second half of april! I WANT THAT TOO! :(


ha nichie eindelijk bericht van mij, na 4 weken geen telefoon en internet te hebben gehad kan ik nu bijlezen. Ik denk dat je teveel bij ons bent geweest als ik na het huishouden kijk het lijkt verdacht veel op ons huishouden.Ik heb alleen het laatste stukje nog maar gelezen en de rest lees ik van het weekend want het is wel erg veel endan krijg je wel reactie op de rest.
heel veel groetjes van ons drieen


Poor you all those annoying noises. Earplugs are really helpful but you'll have to get used to them so once you have em give your poor ears a week to get used to them. oh and what I find helpful if I can't get to sleep I lie on my back and then slowly tighten my toes for 10 sec on max then release then stretch em for another 10 sec and do this for all your seperate muscule groups concentrate on what you're doing and let all other thoughts go. breathe deep and slow. I usually can't finish the exsercise because I'm already asleep.. hope this will help you. Speak to you 2morrow when I'm @ ForceParty!

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